Residents of ViewPoint Association

The AAMHO Connection

AAMHO is the Guardian of Manufactured Housing Communities!
And, YOUR Advocate for Fair Landlord/Tenant Regulations!

To learn more, please visit the AAMHO website at

Need some help with an issue?
Contact Kath Noble in SPC #2820
Phone: (206) 380-5597

Interesting Articles:

We will continue to add content, as we come across articles directly related to issues or concerns voiced by ViewPoint residents.

AAMHO at work for you at the AZ Capitol!

Carol Judd, who taught the Landlord Tenant Act class on Saturday, February 11, to over 90 attendees (a record in Arizona!), drove all the way from Tucson the following Monday at the request of our AAMHO lobbyist to testify against a bill that would have had the various county assessors value manufactured/mobile homes based on current market value rather than as depreciated vehicles.

If passed, our property taxes would have shot up.  After Carol’s TWO MINUTE testimony (all the time that guests are allowed), they asked her questions for thirty minutes.  The bill failed 2-3, but likely would have passed without help from our lobbyist and Carol!

Have you joined AAMHO yet?

The Annual AAMHO General Meeting held here at ViewPoint on March 11, 2023 was a huge success with around 100 attendees.  There were a number of guest speakers who shared some valuable tips to help mobile home owners in Arizona.  Click on the links to read two articles related to the meetings content.

Not yet a member?

Click the "Join Now" button to visit the Membership Enrollment page for more details.