Residents of ViewPoint Association

The ROVA Advantage

There are over 4,000 residents now living in ViewPoint with more to come.

As a ROVA member, you are helping residents to have a voice with ViewPoint management.  Concerns that you, as a member, express are brought forward and addressed.

The more members ROVA has, the more influential ROVA can be in representing your interests.  ROVA has been involved in many projects that have enhanced what makes ViewPoint a great place to call home.

ROVA has developed an email distribution system to send monthly updates to ROVA members about what ROVA is doing for you and what is happening in the resort.  If you are not a member, you won’t be getting this information.

Your membership gets you access to the “Members Only” sections of the ROVA website and the valuable information it contains.

The ROVA Board of Directors has members who also belong to the Arizona Association of Manufactured Home and RV Owners (AAMHO).  AAMHO has a lobbyist who works with the state legislature to protect the rights of homeowners like those of us here at ViewPoint at the state level.

ROVA needs your support to be an effective voice for you.

When invited, please come to the Annual General Meeting and discover what more is being accomplished.

Help ROVA to help you!  When your Street Captain contacts you about joining ROVA – Please join!

If you would like to volunteer, ROVA has opportunities for you on the Board of Directors or as a Street Captain.

To join the Board of Directors, contact ROVA President Ed Plumb (SPC 325)
To become a Street Captain, contact a Judy Hawley (SPC 353)

Not yet a member?

Click the "Join Now" button to visit the Membership Enrollment page for more details.